Louie is a lovable 2-year-old Beagle/Tree Walker mix weighing 35 pounds. He is playful, friendly, and affectionate. Everyone who meets him loves him. He gets along with small dogs and children but has not been cat-tested. His adoption donation is $350, which includes his neuter, vaccinations, and microchip. He is currently in a foster home, and we are requesting an approved application prior to the meet and greet. He is anxiously awaiting his Forever Home. https://www.aforeverhomeanimalrescue.org/store/p26/Louie.html We are only able to adopt within the state of Florida. We have a page on our website that explains our adoption process, and contains a link to our adoption application. Here is the link: https://www.aforeverhomeanimalrescue.org/adoption-information.html
A Forever Home Animal Rescue
Lake County
1400 S. Bay Street, Eustis, Florida 32726
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