Teddy, an outgoing and exceptionally friendly Giant Schnauzer, celebrated his 8th birthday on December 7th. This gentle giant, weighing in at 90 pounds, would make an excellent companion for a family who can dedicate time to him through daily walks, road trips, and cozy snuggles on the couch. We had the joy of raising Teddy since he was a pup, but with our young family expanding rapidly, now with two children under the age of two, we need to find a new home that better suits his needs and lifestyle. Teddy is in excellent health, up to date on all his vaccinations, and recently had a haircut and bath. He is well-trained both at home and in terms of housebreaking. He has no previous behavioral issues. Teddy would thrive in a home without children but would also enjoy the company of kids. He gets along well with other dogs and animals while maintaining a protective stance over his family. We look forward to connecting with you to determine if Teddy is the right fit for your home.
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