Hagrid is 7 mos old(born may 30th 2024), has all of his shots and paperwork from his breeder in Pennsylvania. He is AKC registered and microchipped. He has a smooth coat (long haired) and is around 100 pounds. He is and will be a big boy. I have tons of videos/pictures so if you are seriously interested in giving him a happy and safe home, please message me and I can send more. Hagrid is the sweetest, goofiest, most loving boy. We got him when I was home much more and due to current circumstances, I am now the only source of income, and therefore have not been able to invest the necessary time and training into Hagrid that he deserves. As a result, my two toddlers don't like playing with him because of his high energy and clumsiness (he's never once been aggressive or mean toward either), so while I am at work, Hagrid spends most of his time in his crate. This was never what I wanted for a family dog and especially not for such a large dog with such high energy. I should have rehomed him earlier but he is such a sweet, devoted, loving dog that I kept trying to make it work. But it's not fair to limit his life and happiness for an unknown amount of time due to the current circumstances that I do not foresee changing in the immediate future.
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