Rose is a friendly, submissive, 2yr old female Anatolian Shepherd/ Akbash guardian mix. She is 1 of 6 we got in from the same owner. All of them have been with cattle and turkeys and up to 20 other dogs. Rose is 103lbs. Previous owner stated Loves people especially kids!! She is the most laid back but always aware of her surroundings, and she is the most timid of the group. She is very sweet and gentle. They have been around children 5 years of age and up. No notations about resource guarding. They were guardian dogs, so they have not been potty trained, or leash trained (we are currently trying to get them used to collar and leash). They were housed on approximately 8 acres and were very well socialized with people.
Oconee County Animal Services
Oconee County
1171 Branch Road, Bishop, Georgia 30621
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