Percy is. 4.5 years old, 47 lbs. she is a great little girl if you are looking for one companion. She is good with dogs outside of her home but at her home she rules the roost and must be an only dog.. She will attach herself to you and be totally loyal. She is devoted to her caretaker and protective of her territory. She is scared of new people in her home. Most dogs are. She's been in a home with a single mother with an autistic boy and was doing well but she is now probably jealous of him and wants her mom all to herself, So no kids either. Her current mom is HEARTBROKEN having to give her up but must. She had am excellent trainer working with her so he can tell you all about her and what to expect. She will need an experienced adopter that will be the ALPHA person always. She is well trained and great with commands but consistency is a MUST. She will need continued support from her new owner to maintain her foundational behaviors taught by the trainer. She would make an awesome girl for a single woman. When he feels safe, she is an angel.
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