This beautiful blue and brown eyed girl is Honey! Honey is believed to be an Anatolian and Australian Shepherd mix born around the 3rd week of October and currently weighs 12.14 Pounds. Honey is a feisty, playful and loving go-getter. She caught on quickly to her name and understands come, no, outside and toy. Her foster believes she will be easy to train because she is so eager to please. Honey is in the beginning stages of her potty training. If you are looking for a gorgeous dog that will be on the larger size, then inquire about Honey today. Honey will be provided with all three sets of puppy vaccinations, dewormed and micro-chipped. $165 Rescue adoption fee and Spay contract will be in place. For more pictures, video and adoption application, please call or text Lori at: 760-680-3713. Located in Grove, Ok.
4 The Love of Rescue
Delaware County
3110 OLD DIKE RD, Grove, Oklahoma 74344
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