Chula was born on October 15th, 2024, which makes her about 10 weeks old now. She is truly a miracle puppy and now weighs almost 3 pounds. Her mom, Sally Sue, was very pregnant with one puppy (by X-ray) when she was rescued from a horrible home where 93 dogs were found inside. Chula takes great delight in eating her kibble one at a time. She often takes that one to her bed and then pounces on it a couple of times and then devours it. She likes the attention her humans give her often getting her humans to feed her one kibble at a time which is great playtime. Sally was very attentive to her only child and as Chula got older, they would be seen playing and tugging on toys. Chula is vaccinated age appropriate, wormed, microchipped and when she is old enough and a little bigger, Poquita Paws will provide her spay. Her adoption fee is $ 300. If interested in meeting Chula, please submit an application from
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