Buddy is a seven year, male, 16lb, Maltipoo. He was an owner surrender to our rescue in February 2024. Unfortunately, Buddy's adopters lost their home during the hurricane and returned Buddy to our rescue. While we were researching Buddy's microchip, we discovered that Buddy had multiple homes prior to coming into rescue. This is a dog who has been passed around to different owners and not had a long term, stable environment. Buddy is in a foster home with multiple dogs and is perfect. Buddy has an issue during walks and requires a home with a fenced yard. We learned that when Buddy is going for a walk on a leash, he lunges, barks, and tries to attack other dogs. While in the house, even with other dogs and cats, he is perfect, but get him on a leash outside and he turns into a wild guy who is not friendly. It's just so weird compared to his behavior inside the house. We do not want to set this dog up for failure. If you are a pet owner who wants to take your dog for long walks, Buddy is not a dog for you unless you live in an area where there are few dogs and little walking traffic. In the house, he will sleep side-by-side and share space with multiple dogs, but there is something about his leash walking that he becomes reactive. This dog is an incredible house dog and so loving. Needs a secure fenced yard. Adoption fee $400
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