She is 4 years old, born in April, and named April. She is a Beagle/Pug/Hound mix, Black with mottled colors, is 5 years old, weighs 45 lbs, and has floppy ears. She has a chip. April runs very fast and has a short stature. She is crate-trained. She sleeps and naps in her crate although she is not locked in it if my son is home because his bedroom is near her crate. But if he is not home, we secure her in the crate for sleep. We have a fenced-in backyard so she is accustomed to hanging out in a backyard. She loves to run and has to be allowed to get tired otherwise she gets bored. April is a sweetheart and very friendly. She has never growled or bitten anyone including my granddaughter. My daughter is allergic to April and is a single mom of a toddler. Our family consists of my husband, our son, our daughter, and our 3-year-old granddaughter. April plays well with my granddaughter. She lets her pull her ears, she sits down near her, and they have a nice bond. She is friendly with other dogs. We have taken her to various dog parks and she plays well with small and medium dogs. She chooses not to interact with bigger dogs and since the purpose of the dog park was for her to socialize and run, we would leave if there were too many large dogs there. We used to joke that she thought she was a big dog until she saw BIG dogs. I am allergic to April also, so I cannot take her with me to Nebraska where my husband and son will be starting in January. My allergies have worsened over the years that she has lived with us. Because of those issues, our family has decided that we can no longer adequately care for April. We really want her to be in a loving home with people who have the capacity to give her the attention that she needs and deserves. Her health coverage has been covered on a monthly care plan through Banfield Pet Hospital, she has had her shots and received her heartworm prevention, and additional extended pet health care since she arrived home. She was found by a friend of my son wandering in the street as a pup during their junior high school year. We took her to the vet who determined she was about 8 weeks old. She has received all of her shots, and heartworm tests and is completely healthy. She eats all beef or beef-venison protein kibble because rice, chicken, and other types of dog food cause her poops to run and she passes a lot of gas when she eats chicken. She loves Pup-Peroni snacks.
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