Charlie is a gorgeous, sweet 5-6 yr old, energetic Catahoula mix adopted from a private owner on this site 2 years ago.She was moving and couldn't take a dog. He is UTD on all shots and weighs 72lbs. He's Housebroken & Crate-trained. He doesn't like brooms, but loves his pet vacuum. Possible allergies cause him to scratch a bit, and he can get ear infections but takes meds without a fuss. He's is very docile at the Vet. She wishes he'd teach her other canine patients how to behave. He loves car rides but does not like taking walks out of his own backyard. Fetch is his favorite high-energy game. He's very protective and is a great guard dog. Strangers and mailmen tend to spook him and cause him to bark or bolt. I've had both knees replaced and he's caused me to fall several times, which is the main reason I need to find him a new home. He gets along with other dogs. He has a QR tag on his collar but no micro-chip. A farm or home with active older children would ideal.
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