Bob is an adorable four-year-old tri-color American guinea pig looking for a loving guardian. His family is moving to another country in January, and Bob needs a new home to move to. He gets along with select other guinea pigs upon introduction. Bob eats unlimited timothy, orchard and botanical hays, and a cups of fresh salad each day and a �%BC cup of pellets. Guinea pigs need daily vitamin C which they get from fresh pellets, a 1-inch square of red pepper, or some of their dark leafy greens. Please read up on guinea pig care and diet before adopting by visiting this excellent web site Bob would love a home with people who will love him, handle him daily, keep him well-fed, nails trimmed, and keep his habitat nice and clean. If you're interested in meeting and possibly adopting Bob, please fill out the adoption application at and follow up to make an appointment by contacting [email protected] His adoption fee of $25 benefits the friends of Petraits Rescue. For an additional $50, we'll include a kit of absolutely everything you need to care for him including his cage, pellets, litter, hay, hidey hut, treats, and water bottle. He is being fostered in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood.
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