This adorable girl is Alexa. She is 6-years-old and weighs 39 lb. We think she is a beagle/corgi mix. Alexa is a very sweet and gentle dog. She can be shy when meeting new people, but warms up quickly and will eventually give you tons of kisses. Alexa would prefer a quieter home, where there is consistency in her routine and people to offer her comfort as she settles in. She would make a great walking buddy, followed by a nap on the couch. Alexa would do well with children but might prefer older kids or adults due to her shy nature. Alexa does fine with other dogs but does not show much interest in playing. We don't know what Alexa thinks of cats, but we can 'cat-test' her if needed. Alexa is spayed, microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. Her adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Alexa, please complete our online application at or stop by at our shelter Wednesday-Sunday between 12 and 6 PM. The DAWS shelter address is 147 Grassy Plain St. Bethel. Alexa can't wait to meet you! Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions.
Danbury Animal Welfare Society
Fairfield County
147 Grassy Plain St, Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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