Harvest is the largest of his siblings - 45 lbs at 16 weeks. He is very playful and loves dogs and kids. He can be cat tested if needed. He loves car rides and going on adventures. He must have a fenced yard and another playful dog in the home. He is working on his house training and doing great. We suggest older kids in the home due to his size and being all puppy!!! ** All of our Wigglers are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, hw tested/treated, and on preventatives. We require receipts spanning 2 consistent years of HW preventatives for already owned pets, UTD on shots, and spay/neuter in order to adopt. Please read their description above closely. Our adoption fee is $400.00. For an application to adopt visit our website at https://www.wagsandwigglesdogrescue.org/ adopt-application.**
Wags & Wiggles Dog Rescue
Forsyth County
Cumming, Georgia 30040
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