My name is Rock - I am super cool so I can totally 'rock' that name. I am a 50lb 11 month old teenager. I am a black mouth cur mix with some hefty ears. I could have also some boxer, shepherd and/or terrier among my breed mix. I went to my foster home underweight and with a bit of mange; I was thrown out and thank goodness my foster mom came to my rescue. I am active and ready to go wherever my humans will take me. I walk well on leash (I am a strong young guy though) and I know basic commands. I am definitely the type of dog that is eager to learn. I am also eager to swim! I have many dog friends in my home and if one gets tired of playing, I move on to the next! Kids 10+ and we aren't sure on cats but have a hunch I might be a little too much for them! Here is the link to the application if you are interested in learning more about me!
Morris County
Chatham, New Jersey
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