Misty is looking for a great forever loving home! She was sprung from a kill shelter and is 8 years old and weights 17 pounds. She was recently taken to the groomer who said she was perfect. Misty is like a teddy bear and wants your undivided attention. She likes to play with toys and will mouth grab you to play or get your attention. She grumbles a lot when she is not barking. Misty also does well in the car. She also gets along well with other dogs. She requires a SECURE fenced yard and is housebroken. She loves to go on walks, and barks and talks along the way. She is a spry girl, so will need daily exercise to keep her healthy. Misty is up to date on shots, spayed, de-wormed, micro-chipped and fecal and heart-worm tested negative. She has also had a dental with no extractions. We require an adoption application, phone interview, virtual house check, and meet and greet with your entire family. For an adoption application, please visit us at https://www.petprofilerescue.org or at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S5v9x1oGSYLBSfheZJ_zSvkIHoT3Fe_xnsq5V75IX9w/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0rU1zQezgZhhC_01_JpMFhujOq40cu8Xl4xKdiZ0b1L-3Pwm1Et-XI3K4&edit_requested=true If you have already submitted an application to us, email us at [email protected] to express your interest in this dog. We are foster based in the Chicago area and do NOT have a shelter or central location for you to view our dogs. Please consider SPONSORING to help with our foster dogs' medical needs. You can click on the 'Sponsor' button or donations can be made to our Paypal and Zelle at [email protected] or https://paypal.me/petprofilerescue or Venmo @petprofilerescue (last 4 digits of the phone number are 9703) to help with our foster dogs' medical care. Our rescue dogs' Amazon Wishlist is here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1PIG0Y2YAZ2MP
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