Everyone say hi to Arfie, a 5 year old 30 lb shih tzu boy. Arfie's foster mom says he's the best dog she's ever fostered - he's that sweet and lovable! He just wants to please everyone, has excellent house manners and deserves a chance at a great life in a loving home. He gets along with EVERYONE and has yet to meet a person he doesn't wag his little tail at. Arfie is in need of a home that will take him on walks and give him the opportunity to shed some much need pounds. Arfie has a history of seizures when he was with his previous owner but now we have had him on medication (about $40/month) which works well. If interested in adopting this darling boy please fill out an application at www.floridacockerrescue.org ADOPTION FEE: $300.00
Lee County
Cape Coral, Florida
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