Adoption Fee: $200
Anatolian Shepherd mix
Age: Young Puppy
Sex: Male

Highway (HWY) is a very good-looking boy. He is very high Anatolian Shepherd. He was fully vetted 9/18/24. 19 weeks old as of 11/1/24. Weighed 18.9 lbs when vetted. He is growing fast. Est 30 -35 lbs now on 11/1!24. HWY was named Highway because he was found on Highway 51. in West TN. A girl that his foster mom knows saw a car pull over on the side of the highway and put him out. She pulled over and saved him. He was really scared when we first got him. He has come a long way but can still be shy at times. He needs someone willing to be patient with him. He catches on pretty quick. He's playful and knows ' sit' already. He loves other dogs. Walks really well on leash. He actually would do very well with an avid walker/runner. He does likes o ride in the car. He will require additional potty/house training as he is still a pup. HIGHWAY is located in Ripley, TN. (West TN). Contact Lisa at 731-499-0739 or [email protected] Out of state transport can be arranged, cost is $185.


KEG Animal Rescue
Madison County
Jackson, Tennessee 38302

Lisa at 731-499-0739

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  • Good with Kids and Adults


  • Average Energy
  • Average Temperament


  • Neutered
  • Vaccinations Current

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