This pretty girl is Sophie. She is one-year-old and weighs 40 lb. We think she is an English shepherd mix. Sophie is a sweet young dog with the softest coat and cutest little ears. She is very food motivated and eager to learn, and will even sit and look at you waiting for a treat. As a young dog, she's still trying to figure out the world and learn her manners, which means that she is slightly jumpy when interacting with people due to her excitement. She would do best in a home with children 12 years old and up due to some slight mouthiness and nibbling when taking treats or when asking for treats. She will do well in a home with other dogs and would love to have a doggie friend to play with. Sophie is young, active and playful so she would appreciate a higher activity level in the house. We don't know what Sophie thinks of cats, but we can 'cat-test' her if needed. Sophie is microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. She will be spayed before adoption. Her adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Sophie, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions.
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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