James is a 4 month old neutered male. He weighs 18 lbs. Is likely a purebred pit bull. He is super sweet! He came from a kill shelter in SC so we had to pull him into our rescue and try to find him a loving home he deserves! He is dog friendly and we still have to cat test him yet! He is current on vaccines and will be microchipped! He had mange but has already been treated and just needs some time for his hair to grow back but he should be fine to be around other dogs! If you are interested in meeting or adopting James please text Casey at 570-441-0083. We adopt to the general public but we also adopt to military veterans with adoption fee waived in order to provide our heroes with companion or emotional support dogs . Our other adoptable pets our posted on our website as well as the very brief (5 minutes) application form. https://rescuepetsservingvets.org.
Columbia County
Benton, Pennsylvania 17814
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