This adorable pup is Sprinkle. He is 12-weeks-old and weighs 12.5 lb. We expect he will be about 40 lb full grown. His foster says ' Sprinkle is a gorgeous Merle coated Australian Shepherd with crystal blue eyes that will melt your heart. He is a chubby fluffball who is easy-going, fun-loving and ready for adventure. Sprinkle loves to explore and play with toys. He absolutely loves ice cubes and puppy treats and will do anything for them. He is already sitting for a treat, hitting an alarm to go outside and beginning to learn the routines in the house. He gets along well with other dogs. Sprinkle is hearing impaired and has some visual deficits as well, so will need additional teaching to be safe in his environment. He would benefit from an easy-going doggie companion as well. He is ready to sprinkle a little love into your life!' The hearing and vision issues are genetic, often seen in Merle aussies. He is an otherwise healthy pup. Sprinkle is neutered, microchipped and vaccinated for age. His adoption fee is $445. If you would like to meet/adopt Sprinkle, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions. Here is a brief video of this sweet pup:
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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