Meet Whiskey! She is an 2 year old Australian Shepherd and weighs 38 lbs. She is spayed, microchipped, and up to date on shots, but isn't on heartworm prevention. Whiskey is nervous around strangers and prefers women! No kids, due to her reactivity! She is good with cats, farm animals, and dogs! Whiskey is housebroken and crate-trained. The owner is surrendering her because she has become aggressive and protective towards people who come close to her or her son. Whiskey also has tried biting several people, including children. They are unable to provide the training that she needs. She needs to go ASAP! If you think you can provide a great home for Whiskey, please contact the owner listed below. There is a $150 rehoming fee to assure good folks with good intentions. This fee will be donated to Australian Shepherds Furever for their assistance in placing Whiskey. Owner's Contact Information: Lisa [email protected]
Mercer County
Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148
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