Meet Louie! He is a 1 year neutered cattle dog mix. He is medium sized at 40 lbs. He is up to date on vaccinations, is microchipped, and overall a healthy boy. Louie is a sweet guy that LOVES people. He will always be excited to meet new people and make friends. He currently lives with two cats and does well with them. He does not live in a home with kids and has had few interactions. However, the interactions he has had, have gone well and no signs of fear or aggression. Louie can get overwhelmed with high energy dogs or dogs that play intensely and as a a result, dog parks are avoided to prevent him getting stressed. However, he really enjoys other dogs. The best dog match for him would be a moderate to low energy dog, that gives him space when needed. He is currently potty trained, crate trained, and leash trained. He knows sit, down, stay, shake, and drop it. He is very intelligent and would happily learn a new trick for his adopters!
Wayne County
Northville, Michigan
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