Lady is about 8 years old and weighs about 50 lbs. She has a lot of energy and will chase and return tennis balls forever. She loves to go for walks and is great on leash. She knows a lot of commands and learns quickly but could use a refresher. She Wants to be the center of your attention and in return she will give you her total loyalty and affection. Due to her loyal personality, she needs to be a single dog. She has guarding behaviors toward toys and values her personal space, this is only in regard to other dogs. You can remove her food bowl and take her toys from her without issue. She came from an abusive home before she was rescued 5 years ago. She is very nervous around new people and takes awhile to warm up and become comfortable in a new environment. She is a champion car rider and loves to go places. Overall just a really solid, nice dog with a few special needs.
San Mateo County
Belmont, California
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