Jolene is such a special girl. She is about 14 lbs and close to 1 years young. She is 100% just the cutest little happy tail that lights up faces all around. She has been around many dogs, some cats and kids and has a wonderful and sweet temperament. She can be shy around humans but LOVES other playful dogs. She is very puppy like in her play style so other dogs in the home must enjoy entertaining that little sister vibe. She is house trained, and crate trained. Still a little bit shy on walks if its noisy. She is a doll! IDEAL HOME: A happy home with other young dogs for her to play with and go on walks with along with her human(s). The more humans at home the better. The more dogs the better as well. This lil love bug loves adventure. This lil love bug will require patience and romance to earn her trust quickly. Really it takes 2-3 weeks if you play your cards right. TEXT ME 310-500-7125 Jolene if you want more pics and info. She is in Los Angeles by Glendale, Ca.
Los Angeles County
los angeles, California 90042
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