Meet Remy! He is an 1 year old AKC registered Australian Shepherd and weighs around 35 lbs. He is neutered, microchipped, and up to date on shots, but isn't on heartworm prevention. Remy hasn't been tested around older children or cats. No younger children, due to his reactivity! He is hostile around dogs outside of his home. He currently lives with a Yorkie, who he loves to play with. He is housebroken and crate-trained. Remy is sweet, energetic, very playful and loves attention. He loves car rides, walks, and is extremely treat motivated! The owner is surrendering him because they are unable to control his reactivity towards dogs, strangers, and children, especially when on a leash. He does enjoy pets from strangers on his own terms. Remy has bouts of food and barrier aggression, which worries his owners with their newborn baby. They have worked with a trainer to mitigate these concerns, but he hasn't shown improvement in time for the baby. If you think you can provide a great home for Remy, please contact the owner listed below. There is a $150 rehoming fee to assure good folks with good intentions. This fee will be donated to Australian Shepherds Furever for their assistance in placing Remy.
Mecklenburg County
Charlotte, North Carolina 28277
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