MEET COCO BEAR! Coco is an absolutely stunning 2-year-old, 100-lb shepherd. He is food motivated and loves to eat, and takes treats so gently from your hands. He enjoys going for walks and is well-mannered on a leash. He'll jump into your car and wait for the engine to start, so he can cruise the town with you. Coco Bear is a water dog and loves to play with the hose or jump in his little pool. Coco Bear is currently in a foster home with other dogs -- and he gets along well with all of them except for one male who is not yet neutered and too high energy for Coco Bear's gentle spirit. He will make a great companion dog for walks, hikes, swimming and other outings. He's affectionate, and is yearning for a person or people to call his own. Coco Bear is currently in California but can be transported to you in Oregon or Washington. Please email for an application.
King County
Seattle, Washington
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