Rocky is a 5 years old Austrailian Sheppard, his birthday is christmas eve. He is looking for a forever home without other dogs. He is very smart, house broken with doggie door,knows many commands and was being trainned as a service dog. He needs a person to love him,he loves to play fetch,and cuddle. He is a great protector. Kids make him very anxious,this is the reason for rehoming the fur baby. He was over protecting the owners grandkids and was showing aggression with the other dog in the home. Asking a small rehoming fee to ensure he goes to a loving individual,the rehoming fee can be negotiated and removed upon approved placement.Or be donated to help another pet at rescue me. This is heartbreaking and hardest thing for the family, This is a urgent rehome situstion!
Maricopa County
Peoria, Arizona
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