Meet Shuman, Shuman is a beautiful young, fast and sweet 1year old Aussie mix. He is a lean, tall 50 lbs. Shuman is neutered and UTD on vaccines and Heartworm/flee & tick prevention. He gets along with other well-mannered energetic dogs, but NOT cats. He is playful, loves toys, is good on a leash and is learning Sit, Down & Stay. This is all new to him so continued training will be necessary. His foster mom thinks of him as a sweet puppy in a teenage dog body. Shuman came to us a little over a month ago from a Central California Shelter. He had been at the shelter for a month or so while awaiting his Stray hold to be done. It seems that Shuman had been on the streets, and it took Animal services a while to catch/trap him. The Shelter staff reached out to find him a foster because he was so shy and shut down. He wouldn't eat or come out of the corner for affection. It was very unlikely that he would get adopted while at the shelter. While at his foster home in Northern California, Shuman has taken a while to warm up and begin to trust his foster mom & dad. He is gaining confidence though and with that is showing his true puppylike personality. Though Shuman is still shy with people he does take to some people more quickly than others. He is leery of being caught or grabbed and will need time and lots of patience with his new people. Once Shuman learns to love and trust you, he'll show his fun silly nature. He may even steal one of your socks to show how much he loves you. Shuman will need a secure environment with a very well fenced yard. Because Shuman needs time to learn to trust his new people, he may try to 'escape' so should be kept on a leash (even in the fenced yard) for the first three weeks in his new home. Foster mom feels Shuman would do well with an active person, maybe someone who would like a running partner. Shuman- Loves toys, Young dog, puppylike and gaining social confidence Needs other well-behaved dogs to model after NO CATS Chickens- not recommended for New owner- Patient Active and experienced dog owsner-maybe a runner? If you sound like a great match for Shuman, here is the link to the app: There is an additional $20 microchip fee which includes registration and transfer to his new family. All adoption fees are used for future rescue efforts.
Placer County
Auburn, California 95602
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