This handsome boy is Bandit. He is 4-years-old and weighs 60 lb. We think he is a foxhound mix. Bandit is a very sweet dog who loves any kind of attention. His goofy ears are sure to catch anybody's attention. Bandit loves to put his paws up on your lap so that he can give your face kisses. He's a big dog that does not quite know his size but he's food motivated and ready to learn. He has already learned so much during his time at DAWS. Bandit is a people's dog and immediately loves anybody he meets. He would like to be in a home where he isn't alone for long hours. Although Bandit is an active boy who does like to play, he's just happy to be doing anything as long as it's with people. He likes meeting other dogs and playing with them, but he may be jealous of another dog in the home. Bandit would do best with teens and up. He loves car rides and outdoor adventures. Bandit is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. His adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Bandit, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions. Here is a video to enjoy of Bandit:
Danbury Animal Welfare Society
Fairfield County
147 Grassy Plain St, Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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