Clarabelle is a 3 to 4yr old spayed female Beagle/ Basset Hound mix. She weighs 31 lbs. We pulled Clarabelle from our local animal shelter. She came in as a stray and no one ever came for her. She is a very sweet girl who loves everyone. She is a very cute personality and is up for anything. She will happily go hiking with you or if you prefer she will curl up and enjoy a movie with you. She is a Beagle mix so following her nose is in her nature so she needs to be supervised we outside. She walks on a leash and knows a few commands. She loves toys and treats. She seems to be house trained. She has done well with other dogs and children. She is a little to curious about my cat. She hasn't tried to hurt my cat but I don't really trust her alone with a cat. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. She is heartworm negative. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-591-6621 . She is being fostered in Liberty Center, Ohio. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Henry County
Liberty Center, Ohio 43532
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