This adorable dog is Whiskey. He is 3-years-old and weighs 30 lb. We think he is a mini-Australian shepherd mix. Whiskey is a fun and smart little dog who's ready to join anyone on adventures. This pup is eager to please, and ready to learn new tricks, but already has some up his sleeve like 'sit'. He has high energy and does get a little vocal when you're not paying any attention to him. Whiskey does not jump and sits politely when receiving attention and is a playful dog who takes right to toys. Whiskey would be a fun and playful companion for children of all ages and would love to have a high energy dog friend to play with. He might do best with a dog-savvy cat, who is comfortable asserting its boundaries with him. Whiskey's ideal home is one where he gets plenty of exercise and playtime and lots of attention. He would excel in things like agility, if someone is looking for a dog to get into that sport with. Whiskey is microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. He will be neutered before adoption. His adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Whiskey, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions.
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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