Emily is looking for sponsors! She is a 10 pound, female shih-tzu born on 12/05/21. Emily was released by a breeder who decided they did not need her anymore. She lived in a cage at the breeder most of her life and has recently started to learn about being in a home with her foster mom. Unfortunately, she is very skittish and scared of everything around her and needs more time to decompress. We hope she gets better with time and can become adoptable. Please consider SPONSORING to help with our foster dogs' medical needs. You can click on the 'Sponsor' button or donations can be made to our Paypal and Zelle at [email protected] or https://paypal.me/petprofilerescue or Venmo @petprofilerescue (last 4 digits of the phone number are 9703) to help with our foster dogs' medical care. Our rescue dogs' Amazon Wishlist is here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1PIG0Y2YAZ2MP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_1
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