This adorable boy is Jasper. He is one-year-old and with his scruffy muzzle, we expect has some terrier in him. Jasper weighs about 40 lb and is a very happy, friendly, playful pup. He loves attention and enjoys being active outside. Jasper knows how to sit when given a hand signal and is food/treat motivated and can learn easily. When interacting with him, Jasper is very wiggly, sweet and gives kisses. Jasper would make an amazing family dog and would do great with children of all ages, as long as they are comfortable with an energetic dog. He would love to have an energetic dog friend to play with. We don't know what Jasper thinks of cats, but we can 'cat-test' him if needed. Jasper would be great for someone looking for an active dog in a medium-sized package. Jasper is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and healthy. His adoption fee is $395. If you would like to meet/adopt Jasper, please complete our online application at Email [email protected] if you need assistance or have any questions. Here is a video to enjoy of Jasper:
Danbury Animal Welfare Society
Fairfield County
147 Grassy Plain St, Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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