Jazzy URGENT Foster/Home Needed - Long Island, NY Meet Jazzy. Jazzy is a 32 lb female Shar Pei-mix former service dog. Sadly, her parents are both now in rehab for an indeterminate amount of time and the foster who took her in is allergic and simply cannot keep her. We believe Jazzy is 12yrs old. She's very recently been diagnosed with Lyme disease and is now taking medication. Jazzy is great with people but does not get along well with other dogs or cats so she would need to be the only pet in the home. Due to recent circumstances, Jazzy has been cooped up a lot lately. A fenced yard where she can stretch her legs a bit would be ideal. She is spayed and UTD on all. Jazzy spent most of her life in service. In her golden years, she deserves a loving home and a warm place to lay her head. If you have the heart and the home to take in this sweet senior gal, please contact [email protected] or go to our FB page or call the number listed below. Pioneers for Animals Welfare Society, Inc. http://www.paws-li.org Phone: (631) 306 4616
Suffolk County
Huntington, New York
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