Meet Bruce Lee. He is approx. 3 years old and appears to be lhasa/shih tzu mix? He is the sweetest, most snuggly little guy. He has gotten along with all dogs at the rescue. He absolutely loves to play. Not sure about cats but since most of them would be bigger than him, it should not be a problem. Bruce came to us from a shelter in Georgia. He was a matted mess and you could not even see his face. Once he was shaved down, it was noticed that one of his eyes was a little Hazy. We took him to the Dr. Who gave us some eye drops for him and suggested that he see the doggie eye specialist. We have done this and the Dr. Said that he is blind in one eye. She said it is not painful for him so there is no need to remove it. It certainly does not slow him down a bit! OUR DOGS ARE SHELTER DOGS. WE DO NOT KNOW THEIR PAST HISTORY. Due to his small size, we would prefer for Bruce to go to a family with older, dog savvy children or no children. Bruce is fully vaccinated, utd on all preventatives and is hw negative. If you are interested in making Bruce a member of your family, please send us a message.
Charleston County
Hollywood, South Carolina 29449
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