9 mos old Aussie Mix puppy, due to no fault of her own. She is a spayed female located in Mooresburg, TN. Birthday is 09/28/23. She is a very sweet and loving dog. She loves the outdoors, is potty trained and crate trained. She is a back leg amputee due to an accident when she was small, so her new prospective owner needs to be aware of that as she gets older. She's super intelligent and aims to please. She's up to date on vaccines, good with other dogs, but try's to play a bit rough with cats. She's not been around small kids or other small animals so I'm not sure how she would do with those. She is a herding breed, so whoever her new owner will be needs to understand what that entails. She needs someplace with a fenced in yard or a giant farm to run on.
Hawkins County
Mooresburg, Tennessee 37811
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