Poor Papa was on death row in a kill shelter because he wasn't getting along with other dogs in that high stress environment. He now seems to be able to have friends and enjoys the company of other dogs. Papa is 4 yrs old and weighs about 67 pounds. He looks to be an American Bully and St. Bernard mix. We say that because of his longer, thicker coat. Papa is a big mush of a dog that loves to play and cuddle. He also gives pretty good kisses! Papa is housebroken, UTD on all shots, neutered and microchipped. He is also heartworm negative and on regular heartgaurd and flea control. Papa would do well in any family, adults and families with kids. He loves his walks and car rides. He loves to explore new places and meet new people. Papa is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone's face! If you meet Papa, you will fall in love. He's just 'That Guy'
Volusia County
Deltona, Florida
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