Hope is a 3 year old Tiny Toy Aussie and weighs 11 pounds. She came from a breeder and spent her time in a backyard kennel. She will need a patient new family that will allow her the time to acclimate to living in a house and being comfortable with all the new experiences this will entail. She is sweet and with time will give licks. She's still unsure of understanding what living in a home and getting lots of human attention means. Her instinct is to duck and run. She will need to be kept in small areas to allow her time to acclimate to touch and human contact. She's very sweet and gentle just needs to gain confidence. She's working on leash skills but will needs patience as she learns. She has done well with crate training. She needs a home with someone home more than not to allow her regular potty breaks so she can work on her house training skills. However, she needs someone agile enough the pick her up and reach for her underneath things if she goes to hide and not be readily tripped up if she is darting around the floor. At this time she should be considered a flight risk and will need to be kept within a smaller area like a single room or puppy pen when outside and doors should have extra security like baby gates. She will not be placed in an apartment and her new home but have a secure fenced yard. She is spayed, vaccinated, heartworm negative, microchipped and on prevention.
Oklahoma County
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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