Aerosmith -Bruno was born on April 8th, he was adopted but now he is looking for a new home. The reason are 3 cats living in the house, and the owner couldn't feel safe to let dog and cats go the process of accepting each oehter., as it was her first dog ever. He was named him Bruno. Bruno is now five month old, 22lb. The most adorable boy. He is a smart boy who learnedso much in such a short time. He knows He is house trained, but just sometimes a little pee accidents when he is too excited. He loves his walks and Lovesthe people and dogs on the way. waits for permission to start eating. He is crate trained and loves to be there and settle down, sleeps though the whole night. He also knows - sit, lay down, stay, go to bed, go to crate, crawl, touch, and walk. The background story!! It started with a phone call from a lady feeding the puppies, asking for the rescue's help with food. Checking on the pups gave us the chill. They were all dehydrated and just bones and skin. Puppies were born on April 8th, ten weeks old, and weighed between 2 and 4 lbs. Momma was the same, maybe 20 lbs, and very dehydrated. We decided they all needed to leave this place. No food or water, living outside in the unbearable heat. We managed to have the owner surrender them to us. They are all the most wonderful dogs- mama and puppies. Dog Adoption app - If you like to Foster with us -
Bergen County
New Jersey
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