Meatloaf is one cool dude AND he is housetrained! Rescued off a busy street, we believe he is a Pit Bull/American Bulldog mix. He is four years old and weighs 48 lbs. This sweet handsome hunk is a cupcake at heart. Meatloaf prefers female dogs and is friendly with cats. He is a good fit for an adult or family with older children. Meatloaf is an easy-going dog that loves to give big sloppy kisses. This big lug is a heaping helping of pure love and devotion. Moderately active, he looks forward to his time with volunteers and stretching his legs outside in our play yard. Meatloaf is housebroken and would enjoy a home with large fenced in backyard. He enjoys going on walks, playing outdoor games, and just hanging out with you. Meatloaf's favorite activity is eating! He LOVES food and isn't fond of sharing it. Consequently, we don't recommend a home with small children and he should be gated or crated when fed to keep other pets away. Meatloaf is looking for his forever family and hopes that it is YOU! Fill out an application and come meet him!
Whitfield County
Dalton, Georgia 30721
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