Meet Lolli Pop! She's a rescued girl from Texas. Lolli is 1.5 to 2 yrs old, Heeler, and weighs about 40 lbs. If you're looking for a loveable, loyal, playfull, protective, outdoor buddy, she's your girl! She's had her Rabies vaccination, microchipped, up to date on Parvo/Distemper vaccination and her Bordetella vaccination. She's not too keen on being crated, but will settle down after a few minutes. She thrives on pets and attention, and I'll happily follow you wherever you go. When it's time to rest, you'll often find her snuggled up next to her people or seeking shelter under the bed, where she feels safe and secure. She doesn't like to be left alone, but does great with another dog around to comfort her. Like many dogs, she's afraid of thunderstorms, but with a little reassurance, I can weather the storm just fine. She's a little timid around men at first, but warms up quickly. There is a rehoming fee.
El Paso County
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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