Scooter is a 19 lb, 3 yr old, Jack Russell mix - neutered and up to date on vaccines. Currently being fostered in Gainesville, FL. Very playful, loving, friendly and active! Crate and house trained. Good on a leash. He wants to please! Loves Big! Working on his treat grabbing. Having him sit before taking a treat and when getting his food bowl. He is learning quickly, very smart and responsive. He loves to fetch a ball or soft frisbee and will drop it at your feet for the next toss. Tug is a favorite game! Might be the world's best lizard chaser. Would do well with another playmate with similar activity level but has also done well with our 15 yr old terrier mix, who won't play with him at all :( Scooter enjoys mental enrichment but can also nap for a few hours next to you on the couch or in your lap! Learning manners, responds well to No or Eh-Eh. He could make someone a great sport dog, or active companion!! Agility, scent work, outdoorsy activities, or just race around the backyard? Inside - tug, hide and seek or soft frisbee play? Scooter's your guy! You can fill out an application to adopt this cutie pie here:
Manatee County
Bradenton, Florida
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