ADOPTION FEE WAIVED FOR APPROVED APPLICANT Oscar is very sweet and loves to give lots of kisses! Oscar weighs 45 pounds.He is a beautiful black and gold brindle mix breed like his mother. He loves to run and play and just enjoys life! He enjoys spending time with his human as much as he can. He is very playful and plays well with the other dogs in the house.He is crate trained but prefers to sleep in his bed or with his people. Oscar spends much of his time indoors and has great house manners. He also enjoys time outdoors going for leash walks and exploring the great outdoors! He would really love hiking with his humans if that is your thing. Oscar is neutered, tested negative for heartworms, up to date on all vaccines, and he has been on his monthly prevention for heartworms, flea,ticks and parasites.
Furvever Friends of the South K9 rescue
DeKalb County
Crossville, Alabama 35962
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