MaxRescue Me ID: 24-04-21-00167

About Max

German Shepherd / Australian Shepherd
Age: Adult
Sex: Male

This animal is available to licensed rescue groups only. Please do not enquire unless with a licensed rescue group. Max currently lives with a 78 year old woman out in the country. She adopted him from a neighbor because she cared about him and she felt badly for him as he was kept on a chain and slept in small quarters with two horses. Max is a good watch dog for her. He barks to alert her when others drive up or come near. He is very protective of her. He lives in the fenced yard and occasionally comes in the home but only if he chooses to. He used to come in the home more often to get out of the hot or cold weather, but since the indoor elderly pet poodle died he does not go in very often now. Sometimes he barks at night at other animals. He can be aggressive over his food. He loves to run the fence with other dogs when they come up but he does not have contact with them. He enjoys sitting on the chaise lounge in the yard with his owner and he has a small plastic pool to wade in. It takes some time for him to warm up to others, but he is then good with those who are gentle with him and that he knows. He does not like teasing. I took care of him checking on him and giving him food and meds while the owner was in rehab for 3 months. He is accustomed to me and knows the sound of my car when I drive up. He is strong and wears a metal choke collar when out of his yard on a leash. He wears a muzzle for grooming appointments or if he has to have a procedure done at the vet. He recently had to have several teeth pulled but his gums are healed. He currently takes Bravecto once per 3 months and he takes heartworm prevention meds. He has had vaccinations but is due to have an appointment to update them. He weighs 104 pounds. It is getting difficult for her to handle him to take him to the vet or load him in her car. She is needing to move to an assisted living facility or an apartment but pets of his size are not allowed. She is very attached to him and will want him to go to a good home.


Washington County
Brenham, Texas 77833

Nicki Stone: (816) 935-4541

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  • Good with Adults (Not Kids)


  • High Energy
  • Somewhat Dominant


  • Neutered
  • Needs Vaccinations
  • Obese
  • Abused/Neglected

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