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PeggyAnimal ID: A271528

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About Peggy

Siberian Husky mix
Age: Puppy
Sex: Female

Once upon a time, three huskies arrived at the shelter in terrible shape but now they're ready to find their happily ever afters! Let's start with the enchanting Peggy! At first, she was a bit timid, but her playful and curious side is emerging more each day! We think Peggy never had a chance to experience companionship, love, toys, or treats, but now she can't get enough! She's a toy aficionado, especially when it comes to balls and playing fetch. She is also a lovebug who likes to sneak in kisses, but we're taking things slow as she learns the ropes of being a pampered pooch. She recently trusted us enough for a much-needed bath-probably her first ever-and let's just say, she emerged as a beauty queen! Huskies can be dramatic, escape artists, and easily bored, but they're also incredibly loving, smart, and make fantastic companions!

Cook County
Chicago, Illinois 60608


  • Needs to be Spayed
  • Malnourished
  • Abused/Neglected

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