Sienna is 10 months old and she weighs 55 lbs. ****LOVES TO PLAY FETCH AND TUG*** AND SHE IS SO SWEET WITH OTHER PUPPIES/DOGS*** Her fur is PLUSHY and sleek (like squirrel fur) She is affectionate and responsive to correction. She is spayed, vaccinated, and microchipped. She is super SMART - knows sit/stay and is potty trained, crate trained and doggy door trained. She is doing well with her leash training and will prefer a home with a playful well socialized dog. She is still puppy playful but is learning to calm herself with gentle persuasion. She prefers a home where she can sleep in the bed (Did I mention she is potty trained?)
Guadalupe County
San Marcos / New Braunfels, Texas 78130
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