Billy was surrendered to Okeechobee animal control, because his owner relocated and there wasn't enough room for him. He is two years old and weighs 23.3 pounds. Billy is housebroken and walks well on a leash. He knows sit, paw, and stay. He is good with only female dogs. No male dogs. He is good with children and cats. Billy is very playful and will need the opportunity to run and play. He is heartworm negative. Call or text Alexandra 330-261-3934 if you're interested in adopting. The adoption donation is $200 and includes neuter, UTD vaccines, and microchip. Please keep in mind that we try to match your application and lifestyle with a dog the best suits your home. We are the dogs advocate and we put their needs first in hopes that we are finding them a forever home. For this reason we don't operate on first come first serve. We do reserve the right to request photos of your home.
Highlands County
Sebring, Florida 33876
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