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PennyAnimal ID: 1158

No longer available

About Penny

Adoption Fee: $200
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female

Submit adoption application at Shiny as a copper Penny, Penny was retrieved from a high kill shelter ready to go on the 'RED LIST' because of a lump on her left rear flank. She also acquired 'happy tail' after arriving at the shelter from being so happy she was wagging her natural tail like a whirlybird in the confined space of her kennel run. The tip became bloody. She is now labeled as 'MEDICAL' and we are going to be sure she gets the help she needs. We are getting to know her while she's fostered in the Pico Rivera area near the Downey Shelter. Penny was caught shoplifting in an area mall, arrested and put in jail. No owner has come to bail her out. From our volunteers visit, She is estimated at 3-4 years old. Penny shows no kennel stress. She is happy, playful and very sweet to our volunteers son. Penny is lovely. She would make a great companion. We will update as we get to know her but initial impressions are that she is a really nice girl getting involved with maybe the wrong people as she grew up. WATCH FOR UPDATES! 4/3/24 We have learned alot about Penny in the couple nights she's been with us. We learned she is 99% housetrained if her person takes her out and is SURE she 'goes'. She is picky about her spot. She is cuddly and very loving. She knows commands and is 'almost' doing an OVER. Really a great dog. She is dong well with the foster kids too! We want to get the hip lump checked out and get her natural tail unwrapped to see how much damage she did to it in the shelter. Two days from now we will know........keep this little lady in your thoughts because we know she is a gem who will be a really good dog for someone. 4/11/24 We have a SURPRISE UPDATE. Penny is really named LADY. How do we know that? The shelter called and a man came in stating Penny was his. This is after her stray hold was up. After she was very near the Euth list. After Rescue pulled her out and had her vetted and getting her well after leaving the shelter with Kennel Cough. We have been 'on the fence' with a decision to allow her original owner to take her home or allow her to stay with current fosters and try to find her a home that will love her forever even knowing she is NOT 3-4 as we thought but more like almost 8-10 YEARS OLD!!! Her original owner states she has spent most of her daytime life outside in the yard being brought in at night to sleep on her bed. He wanted her back, then he didn't. Then he did...didn't. In the end he opted to let her stay with us. We encouraged him to take her since he was all she knew but he felt her foster was providing a much more nurturing home SO....Penny.....aka available. Anyone want a Senior Gem???

Riverside County
Perris, California 92570


  • Good with Most Dogs
  • Good with Kids and Adults


  • Average Energy
  • Average Temperament


  • Spayed
  • Vaccinations Current
  • Malnourished

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