Mr. Clutch is a 2 year old 60 lb GSD/Malinois mix and a very smart boy!!! He has been through extensive professional training and is now ready for his furever home. He MUST have an experienced alpha owner to continue his training and to show you how good of a boy he really is. He is good in the car and knows 'Load Up' along with place, sit, down and free. He does like soft music while lounging in his crate or on his fosters porch. He was in a foster home with children and did great. He walks well on a leash and enjoys his morning strolls through the neighborhood. Clutch is crate and house trained. He can be with another submissive well trained dog with slow introduction!!! If you have a heart for GSD and a fenced yard and willing to give this boy the love and attention he craves, then please contact us to meet this awesome boy!!!!! ** All of our Wigglers are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, hw tested/treated, and on preventatives. We require receipts spanning 2 consistent years of HW preventatives for already owned pets, UTD on shots, and spay/neuter in order to adopt. Please read their description above closely. Our adoption fee is $350.00. For an application to adopt visit our website at
Forsyth County
Cumming, Georgia 30040
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