Meet Hazelnut, an adorable nine-month-old, 45 lb. pointer mix with the cutest speckle coat and big pointy ears. She was found roaming in a field in Texas with a shih tzu (adopted) a few months ago. She's currently in Texas awaiting an adopter or foster so she can travel up north to find her furever family! Hazelnut is a high energy girl ready to be the life of the party! She is active, loves to play, can't get enough of her toys, and absolutely loves other dogs. She'd be thrilled to have a doggy companion in her furever home. She's super sweet and never says no to a snuggle. Hazelnut is fine around the kids but may knock a young one down so older children are recommended due to her exuberance. Due to living on the streets, she has never had training before so she'll need someone to guide and teach her basic manners and obedience. A home with a fenced yard is a must. Hazelnut will make a wonderful addition to any home! Her adoption fee is $450 and she is vaccinated, microchipped, heartworm negative, and spayed. If you are interested in Hazelnut, please complete the application at For questions, email [email protected].
Happily Furever After Rescue
Fairfield County
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
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